First Published September 6th 2018

Group Shoots are a fantastic way to learn and be involved with like minded people.

I do go to a few group shoots as i’ve alluded to in other posts about my personal development.

There is one which i go to way too infrequently, generally to do with other commitments, which puts the onus on learning and understanding your camera, lighting and being a better photographer.

Mark who runs the group is an advocate of the learning experience, and pushes people to ‘have a go’. If you want to change a lighting setup, or do something with posing, props or whatever, give it a shot. If it doesn’t work entirely, then there are more experienced photographers on hand to help.

This is a great way of doing it in my eyes. Have a go, and make small adjustments until your happy with the results. If there is a way of taking the shot further, someone will always be around to nudge you in the right direction.

Last night was no different. A great evening of learning and enjoying your work.

A bit of info about the group.

If it is a studio evening, it is held at Biscuit Studio in Coalville. Well equipped for a couple of different setups at the same time, it is a nice place to work.

There are also location based shoots, and a chance to learn about aspects other than studio/model shoots, including wildlife, street photography, lightpainting etc….

The details to take a look at the club and studio will be at the bottom of this post.

Here are a few more shots and looks that were created throughout the evening.

f3.5 1/200th ISO100

Did a couple of shots before this at a smaller aperture of 6.3, but wanted slightly more separation from the background. Using a Softbox light to the camera right and a reflector on the left.

f6.3 1/160th ISO100

This was the shot with slightly less separation but still looked really nice.

It’s really personal preference, but if your in a learning environment with knowledgeable people you might as well try different things

On the other white background setup with Lasma.

f8 1/125th ISO100

In the end i got the fan on and dialled the lights on the background down a little for a more dramatic shot.

And back to Elle Anne on the white background. This was actually right at the start of the evening, when we were all just getting into the shoot and using a pretty standard 3 light setup.

It was a good evening all in all, and being able to talk to likeminded people, and work on some great shots at the same time is great.

The Photography Digest(ive) group can be found on facebook along with Biscuit Studio.

It’s a great group of people and an enjoyable evening. Get in touch if you want to come down one evening.

I now have a store for Prints and anything else. Look at the top of the page and click on Shop. If you want to email me for a custom order, or something not in the shop drop me an email.

Finally, have fun and stay safe, and enjoy shooting.

Any suggestions for future blog posts, drop me an email. I will at some point be going into more detail on future posts.

you can see more of my work at

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#garethnormanphotography #leicesterphotographer #hardworkpaysoff #pushyourlimits #followyourpassions #nikon #sigma #samyang #bestphotography

About Me

I’m Gareth, a 38 year old IT contractor, Photographer, Eternal Optimist and Blogger. I have been behind a camera for about 4 years now and love shooting the stars, and anything else for that matter. Learning is the main aim for me.I am a family man, and strive to be the best i can be in all fields that i put my mind and heart to.

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